Mirrors A new bathroom concept Discover Filter Category Accessories Bathtubs Furnishing accesories Furniture units Mirrors Rugs Tops Wardrobes Taps Unit accessories Washbasins Collection Fuse Edge Ease Heritage Grate Arc Strato Paral Origin Giro Facett 0 result/s Clear filters Close 0 result/s Clear filters Close EDGE wall-mounted towel holder EDGE wall-mounted hook FUSE simple tops FUSE units Bathtub Arc150M Bathtub Prime160M Scala worktop Scala Washbasins EDGE roll holder Edge Bathtub Edge14 washbasin Edge15 washbasin Washbasin Edge45 Edge88 freestanding washbasin EDGE units EDGE simple worktop EDGE cabinets EDGE Shelf EDGE Stool EDGE freestanding bench EDGE freestanding towel mirror EDGE freestanding towel rack EDGE wall-mounted holder STRATO Marble HERITAGE units Bathtub Prime STRATO I units GrateRound88 freestanding basin Ease66 worktop with integrated washbasin NORM TABLE freestanding circular table Bathtub Arc150 Prime45 washbasin STRATO H units GRATE Round units EASE units Bathtub Ease GRATE Wood units STRATO A units STRATO simple worktop H2 / H5 / H6 / H8 worktop with integrated washbasin STRATO mirrors ORIGIN mirrors STRATO Oval mirrors Grate88 freestanding washbasin STRATO Round mirrors Float worktop with integrated washbasin Arc40 washbasin Arc41 washbasin D1, D2 & D4 worktop with integrated washbasin Facett40 top/wall mounted basin PARAL units Worktop with integrated washbasin Quadro Bathtub Gout Giro55 Washbasin Paral60 worktop with integrated washbasin Bathtub Temple Facett50 top/wall mounted basin Giro55 worktop with integrated washbasin Forma washbasins Giro85 washbasin STRATO V units Origin45 washbasin FORMA mirrors Bathtub Origin ORIGIN bathtub tray GRATE freestanding bench LINED COURT rug beige-carmín-índigo STRATO wall mounted and mirror cabinets Bathtub Vesta M54 worktop with integrated washbasin DECO mirrors Arc88 washbasin Heritage50 washbasin GRATE Marble units STRATO Floor standing wardrobes Wardrobe accessories EASE freestanding bench TATAMI rug olivo-carmín EASE wall-mounted cabinet 1 door Bathtub Arc125 H0 worktop with integrated washbasin Alo Round LED Heritage38 washbasin Heritage Bathtub Paral100 washbasin ORIGIN units STRATO wall mounted wardrobes BIVIO Freestanding towel rack with tray STRATO glass doors cabinets Origin85 washbasin GRATE mirror H80 LED EASE freestanding column EASE freestanding table TATAMI rug sierra-negro Bathtub Forma EASE simple worktop Ease48 washbasin Lavabo Giro45 FACETT units STRATO Recessed wardrobes Bathtub Arc160 G1 worktop with integrated washbasin Alo Oval LED Heritage85 washbasin Origin25 washbasin Bathtub Forma XL Paral60 washbasin Arc32 washbasin Prime88 washbasin HERITAGE unit accessories GRATE Round unit accessories PARAL handle TRAY freestanding towel rack with tray HERITAGE Simple top Giro35 worktop with integrated washbasin Quadro & Cerclo washbasins Prime60 washbasin Heritage55 washbasin Prime35 washbasin Prime top STRATO wardrobe doors Mixer tap H16 cm Mixer tap H31 cm Freestanding basin mixer tap Wall mounted basin mixer tap Bidet mixer tap Freestanding bath mixer tap with hand shower & holder Wall mounted hand shower & holder with diverter and concealed shower mixer 1/2″ Wall mounted hand shower & holder Concealed shower mixer 1/2″ Concealed thermostatic and diverter with 2 outlets 3/4″ CODE Wall mounted shower CODE Ceiling shower Load more products